Monday, April 29, 2013

April 29, 2013

Hola Madre!!!

The house looks amazing!!!!! The floors are way lighter than I thought they'd be, but I love it. Geez you saw a lot of friends this week...Fun for you :-) Funny you should mention the rain...haha So on Saturday, was the first day I actually felt like a missionary. We started in the morning, and it seemed like a pretty nice day, so we decided to ride our bikes. While in transit to the apartment complex we were going to, it started to sprinkle. That should've been my first sign that it was going to be a long day. We get to the complex and our first appointment fell through. But we have a lot of people that we are teaching there, so we decided to try and see if anyone else was home. They weren't. And it started to pour down rain. And then, my tire on my bike popped. So, we had one other scheduled appointment with that family that I told you about, so we went and taught them, and it was way good. We had another appointment with a lady and her daughter, and they only live like a few minutes away, or so we thought, so we decided to start walking. And guess what? It started to rain harder. And we were walking, and it started flooding. So, we are walking through ankle deep water to get to this appointment, only to find out that they weren't even there. Awesome. (And even though this story sound really negative, we were laughing the whole time. And there's a happy ending, just wait) So, fortunatlely we have another set of Hermanas in our district who have a car, so we called them and they were able to come pick us up. We get home, and we had about an hour to change out of our sopping wet clothes grab dinner and get our car and go to our last appointment of the day. We get there, and he lives by himself, but we had a member come, and he just happened to bring his wife (thank goodness, otherwise we wouldn't have been able to go inside, and it was still pouring...tender mercies!!) So we had the lesson, it was amazing!! And we committed him to be baptized. And he said yes!!! We have a baptism date set for June 2nd. We were so beside ourselves. Such an amazing feeling. Going through the rest of the day was so worth it because of that lesson. Love it.
Anyways. Also this past Tuesday, we got to go to the temple with our zone. Super fun. The rooms are just way smaller it was funny trying to get like 50+ people in there. But it worked :-) And then, I got to the veil, and who was there to bring me through? President Crawford!! It was a really cool experience to see them there. Then afterwards we went to a mormon book store that I remembered that my friend Caitlin used to work at. I asked the lady working there if she knew her, and she told me that on facebook it said that she was engaged!! So that was really exciting to hear about.

Nothing else too terribly exciting happened this week...we have a lot of investigators, which is great, but not all of them are good at keeping commitments, so that's something that we need to work on.

Something I wanted to ask for...CD's are awesome. We drive a little bit more than I thought we would, and it's always nice to have something to listen to while in transit, instead of listening to the same thing every time...just saying :-)

Anyways, I gotta run, but I love you mucho!!! I hope you have an awesome week, and have fun moving in!!

Hermana Bowerman

Monday, April 22, 2013

April 22, 2013

Hey momma!!

So I'm in an area call Jacinto City. I think it's actually fairly close to Houston, so definitely still in Texas. The weather here is beautiful right now!!! Mid 70s humidity...not too shabby!! The first few days were pretty dark and dreary...lots of clouds and rain. But it was definitely needed!! They've been in a drought for a while I guess.

So, Jacinto City is pretty cool. Tons of people to talk to, and most people are at least willing to have a little chat, so that's super awesome. We are teaching currently about 10 people regularly, with more and more people who are interested. I love this work so much!!! It can be frustrating at times, especially when people forget their appointments, aren't home, don't come to church, or whatever the reason may be, but once something clicks, it's so awesome to see the changes that they make in their lives.
So last week...we got to the mission home on monday at about 1 or 2. we ate, had some training, met with President Crawford (super awesome, BTW...oh and good thing I didn't bring my flute...he said no...) and then we went to bed. Sister Daines (who Grandma Jenny told me about) was actually my temporary companion for a couple days until we met our actual companions. Then we got up in the morning, had a little bit more training, and then went and met our companions!! I'm actually in a trio...Sister Canova is our trainer. She's super awesome, really funny, and really sweet. I'm learning so much from her!! Then my other companion is Sister Lockhart. She's also from Utah, and she's super awesome too. We have a cute little apartment...some cockroach friends too...but it's pretty cozy. It's nice :-) I'll send you pics next week...I haven't been too good about taking them this week. whoops. We have a car, but we try to ride our bikes as much as possible, because our miles are limited. So we only drive when we have to go somewhere that's at the top of our area or something.

We have a few investigators...we started teaching a new family and dad and two kids, 7 years old and 6 months. Super cute family though, and I think there's a lot of potential. I'm really excited to keep teaching them. We teach a few lessons every day, we contact people, and we knock doors sometimes. Long days, but they're always full of great experiences. Funny ones too :-) I've been told that I was in someones dream (they recognized my boots...not my face, but my boots) And I have been in a little prayer circle in someone's yard that I didn't know...and all sorts of other fun things. One guy that we taught yesterday pulled out this book and proceded to tell us what we believed. It was great fun.

Anyways, sort of limited on time here, but I love you so much!!! I'm still waiting for pictures, by the way... :-)

Hermana Bowerman

April 22, 2013

Hey papa!!!

Hahaha No, I'm not in Louisiana. I'm actually in a place called Jacinto City, which is fairly close to Houston. But, my first time at a member's house for dinner, and what did I eat? Fish. Yep. You Jinxed me. But fortunately, it was breaded and stuff, so you couldn't really even taste the fish. So I made it through without wanting to vomit.

Sounds like a fun time!! Tell Marsh that I love him, and have an awesome companion here who is from Utah :-) haha She gets home in like 9 months. Anyways. So, the work is good!! There's a lot of work to be done, that's for sure. Our ward has about 150 members I think, but only half of them usually come. So lots of reactivation and whatnot. We have about 10 investigators or so....we just started teaching a new family of 4 yesterday, and there's a lot of potential there, so that's exciting. We have one baptismal date with a 14 year old boy, but we have to change it because he didn't come to church we'll see. He's an interesting kid...14, covered in tattoos, he used to do drugs and drink...we get to help him out a lot :-) hahaha I have absolutely no idea how many hours we taught....we taught a lot though. It's pretty awesome :-)

So I'm actually in a trio right now. My trainer is Hermana Canova. She's super cool, from South Jordan, She's an RN...yep. ANd then there's Hermana Lockhart. We came on the same day, so we're both being trained right now.
Anyways...I still have to write a couple more emails, but how's everything going there? Are you guys moving in this week? Next? PICTURES?!?!

Hermana Bowerman

P.S. Te Amo Muchisimo!!! :-)

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Arrived in Texas!

All the new missionaries serving in the THE (Texas Houston East) Mission

Yay for THE Mission!

Sarah with President and Sister Crawford

With Sister Lockhart, their trainer, and Sarah

Dear Families,

Your Missionary has arrived safely to T.H.E. Mission!  Upon arrival we met your missionary at the airport and took them directly to the mission home where they were feed Texas Bar-b-que and met the office staff.  An orientation by the office staff followed lunch while individual interviews were conducted by President Crawford.  That evening they were invited to share their testimonies.  The following morning was focused on training after which they met their new companion and were transported to their area of service.  They are now out diligently searching for our Heavenly Father's children and doing the work of the Lord. Thank you for sending your daughters and sons to us, they have added great strength to our small army here in the Texas Houston East Mission. We love them and are so grateful to have them with us. You will find attached a picture of  your newly arrived missionary with Sister Crawford and myself as well as their arriving group. 

Sincerely, President and Sister Crawford

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Walk to the Temple

(Left to Right) With Sis. Claspell, Sarah, Sis. Bloxham (Sarah's MTC companion), Sis. Whitney. (Claspell and Whitney are companions.)

With some of the Elders in her district.

With Sis. Whitney, who is in Sarah's district and her roommate.

April 9

Papa Bear!!! ¡¡Estoy muy bien!! haha All the computers here have tons of languages on them...anyways... Gosh. I feel like I have learned more here in 6 weeks than I did in all the years that I took Spanish. Es muy loco!!

SOO...I got my travel plans this past week!! I have to be at the travel office at 3 a.m. on Monday morning, and then my flight is at 6. I have a short layover and change planes in Dallas, and then I should arrive in Houston at around 12 30. I´m going to buy a phone card here so that I can just call you guys from the airport sometime...Be ready :-) haha It'll probably be in the morning though. But I'm not sure...

Conference was absolutely amazing!! It's so cool being a missionary and watching conference. It's cool because I have investigators, and there were so many things that I could pull out that would apply to them specifically. It's hard to pick a favorite, but I think I have to go with President Uchtdorf's talk on Sunday morning. It brought me so much peace and comfort, and I am so grateful for that. I also really liked Elder Kapishka(? sp) talk about how the only acceptance we need is Heavenly Father's. So awesome. And of course Elder Holland's talk. Apparenly Elder Holland is in one of the Elders in my district ward in Midway. Oh, and did you watch the thing inbetween sessions on Sunday (?) About the MTC and missionaries? If you did, the guy who had 3 little brothers from Sandy, he's in my district, and he's one of our zone leaders :-) haha

I feel so blessed to be here right now. The Lord truly is hastening his work, and I am so excited to be part of it!

I can't wait to see some pictures of the house!! Please send some :-) haha

So, I was looking for Arena on Wednesday, and couldn't find her anywhere, then finally on thursday morning she found me at breakfast!! I missed her so very much. Pretty sure everyone in the cafeteria were like who are those crazy girls screaming at the top of their lungs...haha But it was so awesome to be able to see her again. I see her every day because we have meals at the same time and her classroom is in the same building as me. She's apparently having some issues with her companion however...her comp isn't fully convinced that she should be here, and so she's constantly going to the bathroom to sob her eyes out, or looking for ways that she can go home, or whatever. So keep her in your prayers that everything will work out okay :-)

As far as my plaque scripture goes, I would like Alma 26:12 on there :-) I have found more than ever that that scripture is so true. Love it!! little time, and so much to do!!

Love you forever :-)

Hermana Bowerman

April 9

Momma bear!! far as things I need...the blouses would be great!! and there's a skirt in my closet that is really flowy and it's striped...that would be a really nice skirt to have in Houston :-) Umm....other things... whatever you want to send me I suppose?? I don't really know. I feel like my clothes are so limited, so clothes are awesome...

California sounds amazing!! Especially since it's snowing right now...

Conference was AMAZING. President Uchtdorf's on Sunday morning was probably my favorite. I love how he is able to talk with so much love for everyone. It's really amazing. Have you been able to watch the General Young Women's meeting?? That's so amazing too. We watched it Saturday night while the elders were at priesthood meeting. It was really great. Then the Sunday night we had a devotional with VOCAL POINT!! It was so cool. They came and sang some songs and shared was so awesome.

I'm probably forgetting something...and If I remeber, I'll send you a letter...but I love you tons!!

Hermana Bowerman

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

April 2

Surprisingly, no April Fools jokes. Which was slightly freaky...haha I was just waiting for something to happen. But those sound pretty funny :-)

You got a designer?!!? So crazy :-) But I'm really excited for you!! I need some pics!!! Feel free to send me some...That sounds like an awesome Easter. Ours was FANTASTIC. We heard from Bishop Causse, presiding bishop of the church, and his wife in the morning. They're from France, and the whole time the spoke I was reminded of dad and his funny french man accent. haha But the really cool part was having a sacrament meeting with the WHOLE MTC. I was thinking that this was almost what it felt like to be with Christ when He fed the 5,000. We only had 3,000, but it's probably the closest I'm ever going to get to that again. Such a cool experience though. Then that night for our sunday devotional, Sheri Dew came and spoke. She was awesome too :-) She talked about the enabling power of the Atonement. I feel like that was sort of the theme from this week. It was really cool to think about. Jesus Christ is truly our ONLY way to be able to return to live with our Heavenly Father. OH. Before I forget...we have a little bit of time each week to watch mormon messages and such. And one of my favorites is called the Will of God. You should really go watch it. SO POWERFUL. I'm sure there's some way that you can apply it to your class...It's from Elder Christofferson (sp?) No joke, it makes me want to cry every time.
So, I've mentioned before about's kind of my favorite thing. The people that come in that we get to teach...they have such powerful testimonies of the gospel. And they can share some of the most amazing experiences. We taught a really old man last night. He served his mission in Uruguay like 50 years ago I think is what he said. But he told us some amazing experiences. Some of the other elders taught a guy from the Congo, who knew 6 languages. He was so awesome. Someone just told him about Joseph Smith, and he knew from that moment that this church was true. Talk about being prepared, right? So amazing. But for real, Dad should totally come do it for the French people. I think they do it every night...I'm sure there's some info about it somewhere.

Anyways...Anything else exciting going on this week? Make sure and give Claire and Bubba and Evie lots of luf from me. I miss them so much...I can't believe I'm missing Evie's first birthday. Boo. Oh well. I'll be able to call you guys for a little bit in a couple of weeks!! Apparently, I just have to get a calling card from the Bookstore here...And then I'm assuming I call from the airport? I'm not exactly sure. But I'm really excited :-) I can't wait to see Arena!!! Gosh. It'll be nice to have a friendly face. Although I have seen one of my old roommates here, Natilee Allen, and a couple other people, so that was cool. OH. And I finally met the girl that Grandma jenny told me about!! Turns out she's staying a couple doors down from me :-) haha There are a couple other girls in her room going to my mission too, so that was really cool to finally meet girls going to my mission. haha

I'll have to keep a look out for Perry...And you should tell Marshall about TRC too. I'm sure he would love it :-) And who knows, maybe Arena will teach him :-) haha I don't know if you've already planned on it or not...but that stuff that I had for Arena, could you give it to her tonight? Thanks :-) I won't be able to be her host when she gets here, But I will for sure keep a look out for her. Anyways...I'll send some pics later today. But I love you so much!! Thanks for everything that you do :-) For real, the best mom a girl could ask for :-)
Anyways...I gotta get going. Love you So much!! And miss you terribly :-)

Hermana Bowerman

And p.s. I was looking more for like normal socks...I only brought like 3 pairs...haha I might send you a letter today with a couple more things...But thanks so much for the last package!! Maren and I are working on the arrangement of Come Thou's so pretty!!