Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

Hey Momma!!
So, we have a new companion!! It's Hermana Mellor. She's from Manti, and she's awesome. She's super hilarious, and also a great missionary. But she makes missionary work really fun too :-) Hermana Canova went to a neighboring area, so she's just in the other ward that meets in the same building. So I still see her a lot :-) haha I'll try and attach a few pictures...let me know if it works...

It actually hasn't been too's pretty overcast right now, but nothing has come down really. But it is a little cooler, which is nice. No...I don't use a rain coat. Umbrella - Yes. It's a little too hot to put on another layer...and muggy. But I still love this weather :-) It's wonderful!! Sounds like you have a great week planned!! I'm only slightly jealous ;-) haha Just give everyone big hugs from me!!

What a great week. Really, fantastic though. We had a baptism yesterday!! It was for Luis Gutierrez, our 14 year old. He finally made it to the baptismal font. And what a wonderful night. He's been taught for about 7 months now, and it wasn't until recently that he actually started taking it seriously, and he showed more effort on his part, which has been so amazing to see. I think the best part of it all, however, was that his whole family came!! His mother, and his aunt, who are very inactive members, his grandma, his other aunt (who is pretty active) and her whole family - it was so great. I was really worried at first because the baptism had started and only his aunt had showed up. But after 5 minutes, the finally arrived, and it was great to finally see her being interested in her son's baptism. It was so great. We plan on following up with them this week, and seeing if we can commit them to come to his confirmation as well.

I just love our new companionship. I really do. Hermana Mellor (our new companion) is so fantastic, and she has brought so many great ideas to help us work this area. I think before we were just in such a routine that it was getting hard to find new investigators and to not fall back into the same old habits. But now, we're trying out some new finding ideas, and it's working! For example, we teach this English class everyWednesday at the library. The people we teach know that we're missionaries, but none of them have really shown interest in learning more about what we teach. But, we were knocking on a street the other day, and we were about to walk back to our car when we saw one of our students! We ran over really quick and said hi. She was with her husband and her daughter, and they were about to go have a picnic in the park. We asked them if the had a few minutes and if we could share something with them, and they accepted. We got a return appointment with them for this next week as well!

This week I'm continuing to work on charity. Reading the section in Preach My Gospel, it really talks a lot about service. So, as a companionship, we decided that we want to serve people more, and specifically the ward members. We're trying to build more of a trust relationship with them, and so we decided that our commitments to them when we have dinner this week are going to be about service. Asking them what we can do to serve them, and then asking them to pass it along
Anyways, I hope you have a fantastic week!! I love you mucho!!
Hermana Bowerman