Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013

Haha that's so great that you had such a good time with your sisters. I'm glad that everything was able to work out!! And pretty sure based on that picture that your hair is way longer than mine now...haha :-) Let's see what happened this past week...We are teaching a lot of people, but we have also lost a couple this week. One was Margarita...she let us in only because I think she thought that we were just sharing a message about Jesus Christ, but she didn't ever really want to hear about the Book of Mormon or anything like that. It makes me so sad when people say they don't want to even try to read it, because I have gained such a great love for this book. The other people we lost actually happened last night. We were teaching Julio and Marta ( Son and mother) They've been taught for a while actually, by other missionaries, so we tried to just have a first lesson with them last night again. They were never really paying attention, and then at the end when we asked Marta to pray and see if what we were teaching was true, she just refused to even try. So unfortunately we have to drop them as well. But we are teaching a lot of other people, and always looking for new investigators. Our most promising investigators right now are Lupita y Leslie...a part member family ( her husband and son are members, but super inactive) But she is actually progressing and I think she has a desire to learn more and eventually be baptized. She does have a problem with coming to church because she works every Sunday, but hopefully if we can get her husband to start coming, then that will give her motivation to start coming as well. Also we are teaching Juaquin, who is from Cuba. He really loves learning about the gospel. He reads the Book of Mormon, prays, goes to church, but he is still hung up on learning everything. He also has a girlfriend in San Antonio that he goes to see every weekend now, so he doesn't come to church with us, but he did start going there, which is super great. We're still teaching Jaime, and he is getting baptized this Sunday!! So exciting. He is definitely one of those people who has been prepared, and he even recognizes that. He knows that people have been placed in his life for a reason, and that this is the path that he is supposed to take. I am so excited for his baptism!!! Also we are still teaching Karina y Reynaldo. They are such a cute couple. They also both know that the Libro de Mormon is the word of God, that this is the true church, that Joseph Smith was a prophet and everything. However, when we tried to give them a specific date to be baptized, they said no because they didn't feel ready. We're slightly confused by that, but they are starting to open up to us way more, which is super awesome. Karina doesn't really have any friends in this area, which is really awesome, because we're going to introduce her to a lot of people in the church, which will be even more motivation for them to come, and so it's going to be awesome. One of the other problems that we find a lot here is that people like going to Lakewood, which I don't know if you guys have heard of it before, but it's that giant "church" service they have at Reliant Stadium here. I think the teacher person is named Joel Olsteen or something like that? Not sure. But a lot of people here like going to that. I think it's just more of a motivational speaker kind of thing, instead of an actual church though...not super sure. Anyways. Those are some of the investigators that we're teaching right now :-) I will keep you updated!! I hope everything is going well with you guys...Miss you muchisimo!! Con Amor, Hermana Bowerman

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