Monday, May 27, 2013

May 27, 2013

Hi momma...Thank you so much!!! Wearing the same thing every single day gets kind of monotonous...and if you find any skirts too, feel free to send them my way :-) haha Where does Pam Steenhoek live? Still in Katy? Or did they move? Our ward is trying to be bilingual...they do the Sacrament prayers in English and Spanish, and we sing our intermediate hymn in English. And this past Sunday, we had an English speaker with a translator. It's pretty windy here today as well...not really sure if there's a storm coming or not...we'll find out!! I still go play tennis every morning though :-) We have a racketball racket too, so sometimes one of my companions comes and plays with me :-) haha Normally to email we go to a nearby college, but they were closed, and we're on bikes today, so we came to the Library. The library just has very limited hours, so we can't always come here. Biking is good :-) haha we haven't riden in a while, because my bike tire popped (again) so we had to wait to get a new tire before we could go again. But I got it fixed up, and back in working order!! Dad would be so proud. Especially since the whole tire kind of fell off when I was putting the new tire on, so I had to put it back on the chain and everything. I felt like a pro. haha :-) But it is quite hot today...about 90 I think is the forecast. We have a weather service we call in the mornings for our forecast :-) And not to mention, we have the occasional "splash and dash" as our weather man called it, or a few quick showers here and there. Dinner's usually pretty full. They pass one around for each coming week because there are 3 companionships in our ward, and having 3 separate calendars would get kind of hectic. But usually it's not too bad. We have I think 4 appointments for the rest of the week. The food is almost always delicious...I think I've decided hispanic food is just my favorite. A member took us to a buffet this past week, and what did I first choose to eat? Mexican food. Geez. (See pictures in dad's email...) So, the first picture is of our baptism that we had on Sunday!! All went according to plan, and it was so perfect. Well, almost according to plan at least...there was supposed to be another girl getting baptized as well, but she backed out at the last minute, which also meant that her family wasn't coming either. So we had to make a quick emergency stop at Walmart the night before to get some refreshments for all the other people that came...haha good thing we did, because a lot of people came. Manuel, the guy who baptized Jaime, brought his entire family. So we probably had about 30 people come to support Jaime. Super awesome. Jaime cried, and the Spirit was so strong. It was just perfect!! The other picture is our district...minus 2 more sisters. Their area is really far away from ours, however, so they couldn't make it for our picture. Our district leader was Elder McConnell, the brown haired one. He was super great, but he just got made a zone leader for this next transfer, so he's leaving our district now. Can you believe I've already been here for a transfer?? Craziness. This past week we also had zone conference. It was really great, and we learned a whole lot about how to teach the Book of Mormon effectively. We did a lot of role plays :-) And then, after we came back from lunch, President Crawford asked me to sing a solo in front of everyone!! Holy cow. So nerve racking. He asked me like 2 minutes before I got up and did it too. I sang Savior Redeemer of my soul...don't know if you know that song or not...but it was fun. Believe it or not. Haha AND...I was talking to one of the assistants, and he was just asking me what I was studying in college...talked about flute...and he asked me to do a musical number this transfer for a conference that we are going to have with one of the people who came to conference...Christoffel somebody I think...But yeah. So I told him if he could find me a flute, I'd be happy to :-) haha I really do love sharing my talents. So, besides that, nothing new has happened. We are still teaching all of our investigators, and they're doing great. This past Sunday the theme of the day was Temples I guess, so everyone was talking about that, and I think (hope) it kind of hit home for some of our investigators. Especially Karina and Reynaldo. They know it's true, and they really want to make this change in their lives, but they're hesitating for some reason. But they really want to get involved with the ward, which is so great. I guess our ward goes to the peanut butter factory (remember that??) like every other week or something, and Karina and Reynaldo went!! We didn't even know about it. They just told us that they went, and they loved it!! They didn't know a whole lot of people, but we're working on that. Anyways. So what else is going on back there? Are you getting more moved in? Space wise, how is looking? Better than Katy, I hope :-) haha How are my siblings? I haven't heard from them in a while...and the puppies?? I hope all is well. I love you all and miss you dearly!! Have a fantastic week, Hermana Bowerman

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