Monday, June 3, 2013

June 3

This week has been really good. We had really good numbers for seeing less actives/recent converts this week, and it showed in church attendance! We had a lot of our less actives come. We also had the confirmation of Jaime who got baptized last week. It was super great, and he was the talk of the ward for the rest of the classes and such. Everyone was asking him how he felt and everything, it was pretty funny. But it was super great. We also extended a baptismal invitation to another couple, who have been consistently coming to church for about 5 weeks now. They didn't give a definite yes or no to the invitation (we've given it several times...) but they did go on and on about how they can already see how much this church has blessed their lives. They communicate with each other better, they feel more peace in their home, they have more patience with their kids, it was so awesome to hear them talk about their blessings. We gave them a goal of July 7, and they said they will try to prepare, so we'll see how these next few weeks go. Oh, and they also love us so much, that they signed up on the ward list to feed us this Saturday :-) haha Super great. We talked as a companionship a lot this week about charity. We made it one of our goals to have more charity for everyone. Another goal is to see everyone as being someone with potential. We tend to play favorites with our investigators sometimes, and so we put a little more thought into their lessons or whatnot, but if we can see everyone as having that potential of being baptized, then we'll want to put just as much effort into their lessons as someone with a baptismal date. Personally this week in my reading, I read a lot about the Atonement. It was interesting to me to see that even people like Alma, and the sons of Mosiah, and all of these great people that we read about in the Book of Mormon, they all had a past. Before Alma was struck down, he went about destroying the church. It was just comforting to know that even though we all make mistakes, we can all also be forgiven completely. We can all turn our lives around, start over, and become the person that Heavenly Father wants us to become. All of our investigators are doing well...still trying to figure out how to help a lot of them go from being just an investigator to progressing to having a baptismal date. Some of them are just frustrating. Quick question there more than one church building in Katy? We met a guy from there and he asked where it was...I could only remember the one down in Old there one on Fry? He said he thought he saw one there right across from Walmart? I'm not quite sure. But it was kind of cool to be able to remember the streets over there a little bit :-) Anyways. This week is going to be a great one!! I hope yours is as well :-) Love always, Hermana Bowerman

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