Tuesday, June 18, 2013

June 18

Well...this past week. To be honest, probably one of the hardest yet. We just didn't have the most successful week ever, and that was really hard for me. We didn't get to see a lot of people, and I kind of took it personally, I just kept wondering what I was doing wrong, and what I needed to change. Also, sometimes my companions don't get along too well (They're super similar, and so they annoy each other a lot) So I usually end up being in the middle of it all. But yesterday we had a zone conference with Elder Christoffel Golden Jr. (Not sure if you guys remember him from conference...) But the conference really helped change my perspective. Elder Golden talked a lot about faith. He said faith = personal righteousness. I really liked that analogy because in the end, I can't change my companions. I can't change our investigator's minds, But I can have personal righteousness and increase my own faith by doing that. He also talked a lot about Faith, Hope, and Charity as well. He showed us how faith and hope really just go in a cycle, but in the middle of that cycle is charity. When we have charity for every one, we have the pure love of Christ, and we can increase our personal righteousness, thereby increasing our faith, and that goes into the cycle of faith and hope.
It was really just such a great conference. Something else that helped a whole lot, was we had exchanges this past week as well. Hermana Canova went to a different area for a day and Hermana Pitts, another Hermana close by, came here. We had such a wonderful day. There were so many miracles that happened. We saw tons of people that we haven't been able to see for weeks. Also, super random miracle that happened, we were walking up to an investigator's home when this guy who was driving by in a car called out to us. He said, "where's the other one?" We turned around, super confused, and he repeated his question.  We realized that he was talking about Hermana Canova, and so we explained that she was in a different area for the day (Mind you, we had no idea who this guy was) And so, we just talked to the guy for a minute, and he told us that we had come by like 2 weeks earlier and said we would come back, but we never did ( we kind of assumed he talked to Jehovah's Witness or something...). So, we set up another appointment with him for this week! Super random. We'll see how that one turns out.
Nothing else super eventful has happened this week...We did set a baptismal date with our 14 year old investigator, so we'll see if he can get there in time. We weren't able to see Karina and Reynaldo this week because Reynaldo was traveling, and when we went by Karina, she was sick. So that didn't work out too well...hopefully this week we can go by and see them.
Anyways. I hope everything is going well back there!! I love you so very much, and I hope you have a fantastic week!!
Hermana Bowerman


One more quick story...

Funny experience that we had last week though...we got this referral from some English elders for a lady named Gladys. We went by, and met her, went in and had a quick lesson with her. She's a baker, and she LOVES to talk. And she talks very fast. So we had the lesson, and then afterwards we asked her if we could leave with a prayer, she says of course, and she stands up. We decided to pray her way this time then teach her our way the next. So we stand up, hold hands, and ask who she would like to offer the prayer. She was kind of confused at first, so we asked if she would like to say it, or us. She said, " Oh, me of course, I'm the host here!" And so we bow our heads and wait for her to start. And we wait. And wait. And waited some more. About 20 minutes later, she lifts up her head and says okay. And that was it. Holy. cow. The most bizarre thing ever. That whole time I kept checking my watch ( mind you it was almost curfew...) and we had absolutely no idea what to do. So we just stood there. Hahaha So hilarious. Anyways. She seems super promising though, we have a return appointment with her this next week.

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