Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10

Hey there!! Sounds like a great Stake Conference. That's kind of cool that both the old and the new Stake President's were part of my setting apart :-) haha I'm so excited to hear about the piano!! When you get it you should take a video and send it to me. I miss that piano so much!! I love the new chair though!! Super pretty. Is that in the craft room or in the living room? There really hasn't been anything super eventful this week. We've been really focusing on getting new investigators though because our pool was dwindling a little bit. Our most eventful lesson was with the couple that we are teaching, Karina and Reynaldo. We have extended a baptismal invitation before, and they do really want to be baptized, but they wouldn't accept a date. Their previous answer was that there were a lot of things they still needed to work out. We knew that they weren't married, but we weren't sure what else still was a problem. Turns out, Reynaldo is still not divorced from his ex-wife. He is, however, headed to Georgia this week to see his kids and her, so hopefully they can get it worked out. They have such a strong desire to be baptized. They can see the changes the gospel has made in their lives already, and they are practically members. They come to church every week, participate in the activities, buy plates for the Boy Scout fundraisers, and everything. They just need to baptized now! Our recent convert is doing well also. He still doesn't have the priesthood because there have been a lot of problems with our bishop being sick, and so he hasn't been there for a while. He's supposed to come back this next Sunday hopefully, so then Jaime can get the priesthood and start exercising it. There are a lot of problems with the leadership in our ward though. A lot of people either don't show up on Sundays, or only show up for part of it. And a lot of the times those people are the leaders, like the bishop, Young Men's, Primary, etc. We have never had a ward council since we've been here, and a lot of the presidents don't have councilors either, so if they don't show up, then there's nobody there to help out. It's kind of a problem. We're teaching a 14 year old boy right now, and we've been teaching him for a long time, and I don't think he's ever met the Young Men's president. Mom - I got the package on Wednesday. Super fast!! And I LOVE all the clothes :-) They fit perfectly!! And the rolls were super delicious :-) Thank you so much for everything!!! You're the best :-) I love you so very much!! Con mucho amor, Hermana Bowerman

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